opportunity zones

New York Times on Opportunity Zones

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 included capital gains tax cuts on investments in chosen areas called “opportunity zones.”

Opportunity Zones: Big Win for Landowners

Opportunity Zones have divided our cities and towns into winner and loser zones, while encouraging political corruption.

O Zones and HUBZones: Aimed at the Poor, Aid the Rich

The Republican Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 created 8,700 “opportunity zones” across the country which receive special capital gains tax breaks.

Opportunity Zones Invite Corruption

Federal politicians routinely lambast the tax code as full of loopholes favoring special interests and generating lobbying—then they add more loopholes generating even more lobbying and corruption.

Oregon O-Zone Oops!

Policymakers often enact programs for the needy but the benefits go mainly to businesses and special interests.

Opportunity Zones Fuel Corruption

The federal government dispenses unequal treatment to Americans through subsidies, regulations, and narrow tax breaks.

Federalism Should Not Be Favoritism

Instead of federal favoritism for some areas over others, policymakers should concentrate on making the whole nation an opportunity zone.

O Zones Fragment America

We do not need another rift between communities in our divided nation. But that is what Congress gave us with a provision in last year’s tax bill that imposed a patchwork of divisions spread across every state.

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