Downsizing Blog
USPS: Privatize Not Bureaucratize
Milton and Rose Friedman described entrepreneur Pat Brennan’s battle against government mail back in their 1980 Free to Choose television series.
US Funding of the United Nations
With spending soaring and debt piling higher, the federal government is driving into a fiscal tornado.
10 Reasons to Cut Corporate Welfare
Congress should cut federal spending to reduce massive budget deficits.
Corporate Welfare Spending
Republicans must cut federal spending to tame exploding deficits.
GOP Spending Cuts Too Small
The GOP are now in the driver’s seat and must reform the budget to ward off a fiscal crisis.
Don’t Move the Swamp, Cut It!
President Trump campaigned on moving tens of thousands of federal workers outside the “Washington Swamp.”
Republicans Should Aim for Canada-Size Cuts
Accumulated debt is reaching historic highs, borrowing rates are rising, and spiking inflation is a major risk.
Defense and Veterans Spending Tops $1.2 Trillion
With today’s massive budget deficits, the Trump administration and Congress should look for savings in defense and veterans affairs.
Devolve Federal Power to Reduce Division
If you are bitter about federal politics, you should consider the libertarian solution.
Trump Is Right: End FEMA
Trump Is Right: End FEMA