Vanessa Brown Calder

Evidence Builds Against the Low‐​Income Housing Tax Credit

The Low‐​Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) is a federal housing subsidy that allocates tax benefits to the states for constructing apartment buildings and other projects.

New Analysis Finds Expanded Child Tax Credit Reduces Work and Growth

New analysis produced by the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) finds that extending the American Rescue Plan’s (ARP) Child Tax Credit (CTC) expansion would result in costly economic consequences.

The FAMILY Act Costs More than Expected

A new report suggests that the Democrats’ FAMILY Act paid leave proposal is substantially more costly than previously estimated.

Community Development Aid for Beer and Burritos

Over the past two years, the White House budget called for eliminating Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) twice. If history is any indication, CDBG will once again be proposed for elimination when the budget is published next week. Most likely, Congress will reject the White House’s suggestion, as it has in previous years.

If Congress cares about helping low-income people, it isn’t clear why they would reject the White House’s suggestion, or at least why Congress wouldn’t repurpose CDBG money for activities that address low-income needs directly.

Little Political Downside in Ending CDBG

President Trump’s annual budget is slated for release March 11th. Although there are many decisions to make, the most challenging choices will likely be regarding what to cut.

Federalism Should Not Be Favoritism

Instead of federal favoritism for some areas over others, policymakers should concentrate on making the whole nation an opportunity zone.

Cut HUD, Fix Housing

The Trump Administration FY 2019 budget was released yesterday. Among other reductions to spending, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) would be cut by more than 14 percent if Congress implements the administration’s recommendations.

This Is What “Effective” Looks Like at HUD?

Yesterday HUD Secretary Ben Carson tweeted that “The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit [LIHTC] is one of the most effective tools we have to create affordable housing.”

Housing Credit Is Corporate Welfare

Republicans have promised major tax reform, and Cato has suggestions for policymakers.

Seattle Minimum Wage

A few years ago, Seattle decided to increase its minimum wage from $9.47 to $15 per hour.


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