Downsizing Blog
Economic Forecasts Are Fiction
If governments cannot predict our economic future, they will be hard-pressed to successfully manipulate it.
Subsidizing Passenger Rail Makes Little Sense
A Wall Street Journal article on an upgrade to a Midwest rail line illustrates the shortcomings of pumping tax dollars into passenger rail.
Governor Inslee Announces for President
Washington Governor Jay Inslee is throwing his hat in the ring for President of the United States. The central focus of his campaign for 2020 will likely be climate change.
Will Congress Let Amtrak Stem Losses?
The federal government does a lot of things poorly, including trying to run businesses such as an electric utility, a postal system, and a railroad.
Economic Development Corruption
A government official stole $6.7 million from Montgomery County, Maryland, over a six-year period.
Little Political Downside in Ending CDBG
President Trump’s annual budget is slated for release March 11th. Although there are many decisions to make, the most challenging choices will likely be regarding what to cut.
Government Database Danger
Government databases full of sensitive personal information pose a growing threat.
Schools Not Crumbling
Education, both constitutionally and as a practical matter, is a state and local responsibility.
Federal Transit Aid Harms Cities
The federal government spends $13 billion a year on subsidies for local rail and bus transit systems. This spending should be zeroed out in the next federal transportation bill.
Government Ownership Sucks
The Wall Street Journal today profiles South Africa’s electric power company, Eskom. What a mess.