David Boaz
President Biden’s Anti‐Growth Agenda
E. J. Dionne writes in the Washington Post that President Biden will focus his State of the Union speech on “how to make the economy grow for everyone.”
Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
Waste, fraud, and abuse are inevitable in trillion-dollar programs.
How Much Will Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Eventually Cost? History Suggests Some Worrisome Answers
Here at Cato we’ve written many times about the record of big infrastructure projects and “megaprojects”:
The Debt Ceiling Kabuki
If there’s one thing we know about the looming debt limit crunch and the warnings about the dire consequences of default, it’s this: The government is not going to default.
The Feds’ Sorry Record on COVID-19
They say journalism is the first rough draft of history.
Taxpayers Eat Another Solar Energy Flop
Looks like another federally backed solar energy plant has gone bust.
Green Energy Corporate Welfare
We should drop all energy subsidies, restrictions, mandates, and trade barriers and let the free market deliver the right mix of energy at the lowest cost.
Cutting Subsidies
Ever since President Trump and budget director Mick Mulvaney released a proposed federal budget that includes cuts in some programs, the Washington Post has been full of articles and letters about current and former officials and program beneficiaries who don’t want their budgets cut.
Faith in Government, Unshakable
Belatedly, I’ve come across the review by Jonathan Martin of Politico of the book Act of Congress: How America’s Essential Institution Works, and How It Doesn’t by Robert Kaiser, a 50-year reporter and editor at the Washington Post. What struck me was that both of these very knowledgeable Washington journalists seem very clear-eyed about the deficiencies of the legislative process, and yet their understanding doesn’t cause them to question the idea of having government manage every facet of our lives.