federal budget
Trump Spending Soars in First 4 Years
President Trump came into office promising spending cuts and debt reduction, but so far he has delivered the opposite.
Trump to Spend $5.4 Trillion in 2021
President Trump’s new budget projects that federal spending will rise to $4.83 trillion in fiscal year 2021. When Trump came into office in 2017, spending was $3.98 trillion. In just four years under this president, spending will be up $850 billion, or 21 percent.
President Trump’s 2021 Budget
The Trump administration has released its budget for fiscal year 2021. In the face of huge deficits, the budget proposes numerous reforms to discretionary and entitlement spending and foresees the budget eventually balancing by 2035.
Federal Budget Outlook: Worse than CBO
The Congressional Budget Office has released new projections for federal spending and revenues through to 2030.
Bipartisan Budget Buster
Congressional leaders and President Trump have agreed to another budget-busting spending deal.
Any Budget That Cuts Fed Ed Is Good, But…
The Trump Administration’s proposed U.S. Department of Education budget is due some props, but there is also a downside.
Retired and Raking It In
President Trump’s budget yesterday provides the latest evidence of out-of-control entitlement spending.
Trump Budget 2020
The Trump administration has released its federal budget for 2020. The document lays out taxing and spending proposals and provides projections through 2029.
Federal Budget Outlook and Trump Tax Cuts
President Trump releases his budget for 2020 today. The budget includes major cuts to domestic programs to deal with rising deficits, which is a good approach because out-of-control spending is the core problem with federal finances.
Who Would Want to Be the Next President?
The next president will come into office in early 2021, and the nation will be facing the most dangerous budget situation in peacetime history.