urban transit

Inequities in Public Transit

The transit industry has developed two systems: one for “choice” riders and one for “dependent” riders, “that is to say white and Black,” says urban planner Christof Spieler.

Public Transit Is Second‐​Class Transportation

Urban transit is one of the most heavily subsidized industries in this country.

Transit Riders Drop 2.9% in June

The nation’s heavily subsidized transit industry continued its descent into oblivion with a 2.9 percent decline in ridership in June 2019, compared with June 2018, according to the Federal Transit Administration’s most recent data.

Boston’s Rail System: Another Government Failure

The federal government spends $14 billion a year on subsidies for local rail and bus transit.

Should Cities Spend More on Transit?

Transit ridership is plummeting almost everywhere, yet officials in many cities are still devising hugely expensive plans for transit projects.

Transit Death Spiral

Nationwide transit ridership in the first quarter of 2019 was 2.6 percent below the same quarter in 2018, according to data released by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) last week.

Transit’s Growing Costs Drive Away Low-Income Commuters

The Census Bureau’s 2017 American Community Survey revealed that, for the first time, the median income of transit commuters has risen above the median income of all American workers.

Federal Transit Aid Harms Cities

The federal government spends $13 billion a year on subsidies for local rail and bus transit systems. This spending should be zeroed out in the next federal transportation bill.

Public Transit's Decline

Nationwide transit ridership has declined steadily since 2014, with some of the largest urban areas, including Atlanta, Miami, and Los Angeles, losing more than 20 percent of their transit riders in the last few years.

Why Passenger Trains Don’t Work in Europe

The reality is that Europe’s trains are enjoyed by tourists, but they don’t work that much better for Europeans than the U.S. system works for Americans.


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