tax reform
Tax Reform 2.0 and Savings
Corporate Tax Cuts and Tax Revenues
Tax Reform Goals
The Trump administration and congressional Republicans are refining their tax reform plan and ramping up their marketing efforts. It is a good plan so far, but comments by some GOP leaders suggest that reforms may veer off-course as more details emerge.
To keep policymakers focused on true reform, the table below summarizes five tax reform goals and the policy changes needed to achieve each.
Apple Defends Itself against Tax-Hungry Senators
IRS Abuses Past and Present
IRS Budget Soars
Washington Sport: Throwing Competitors under the Bus
Democrats’ Leftward Drift is Blocking Tax Reform
Is Washington gridlock the GOP’s fault? That’s what Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute and Thomas Mann of the Brookings Institution claim in a recent Washington Post op-ed. According to them, Republicans have become “ideologically extreme” and are blocking needed bipartisan reforms.
Tax Complexity: Am I a Liar?
Andrew Sullivan cited an op-ed of mine last week regarding the complexity of the tax code.