government employees

Pay for Federal Government Workers

With the backdrop of the shutdown and federal workers going unpaid, the New York Times published a backgrounder last week on federal compensation.

Government Mismanagement: Incentives or Culture?

As a general matter, governments are poorly managed compared to businesses in competitive markets.

Federal Workers Aren't Victims

Federal employee Jason Ullner portrays federal workers as victims in today’s Washington Post.

Government Workers vs. Their Unions

As part of the payroll tax bill on Friday, Congress voted to tweak federal worker benefits. New federal hires will be required to make an additional contribution to their pension plans. While just a small change, federal worker unions railed against the bill as if were armageddon.

CBO Study on Federal Pay

CBO has released a study comparing the wages and benefits of private sector and federal non-military workers. The study uses statistical techniques to make comparisons with adjustments for education level, experience, and other factors.

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