gas tax

Washington Post: Illogic on Gas Taxes

A recent Washington Post editorial addressed highway funding and gas taxes.

Reporters Accept Illogical Gas Tax Narrative

Here is the framing of countless news articles on infrastructure: the streets have potholes; the federal gas tax has not been increased since 1993; experts are quite sure we need a federal hike; the states have increased their own gas taxes; only misguided fears of a public backlash stand in the way.

Federal Gas Tax Increase Not Needed

President Trump’s new budget proposes to increase federal spending on infrastructure by $200 billion over 10 years.

Highways and Gas Tax Diversions

The federal government imposes a gasoline tax of 18.4 cents per gallon. Lobby groups are pressing for an increase and President Trump has suggested that he may support one.

Chamber of Commerce Misguided on Gas Tax

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is urging policymakers to pass an infrastructure package.

Federal Gas Tax Increase Misguided

The Trump administration will release its long-waited infrastructure plan in coming weeks. The plan is expected to include $200 billion over 10 years of federal funding

Devolving Highway Funding

The Trump administration’s recent proposal on infrastructure stressed federalism.

Federal Gas Tax: LaHood Makes No Sense

Former U.S. transportation secretary Ray LaHood lobbied for a federal gas tax increase in a Washington Post letter the other day.

Fixing the House Transportation Bill

After catching flack from both fiscal conservatives and the transit lobby, House Speaker John Boehner has postponed consideration of a transportation bill. Fiscal conservatives (including my fellow Cato scholar Michael Tanner) objected to the bill’s deficit spending; transit interests (including Republicans from New York and Chicago), objected to the bill’s lack of dedicated funds to public transit.

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