disaster assistance

Governments Make Flooding Worse

Government policies encourage Americans to live in risky places on seacoasts and along flood-prone rivers.

Federal Aid Failure #12

In my upcoming Cato study, “Restoring Responsible Government by Cutting Federal Aid to the States,” I discuss 18 reasons why federal aid to state and local governments should be zeroed out. Reason #12 regards how aid induces states to delay important projects such as infrastructure.

Are the Carolinas Ready for Hurricane Florence?

As Hurricane Florence spins toward the Carolina coast, the nation’s attention will be on the disaster readiness and response of governments and the affected communities.

Paying for Storm Damage

According to the New York Times, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the state’s congressional delegation want the federal government to pay for $33 billion in storm damage from Hurricane Sandy plus another $9 billion for preventative measures:

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