crumbling infrastructure
Why Trump’s Plan Won’t Fix Crumbling Infrastructure
For the past decade or so, Americans have been inundated with propaganda about our crumbling infrastructure. According to this narrative, our roads and bridges are falling apart and the only solution is more federal spending.
Trump Plan Probably Won’t Repair Crumbling Infrastructure
The White House released President Trump’s infrastructure plan today, which calls for spending $200 billion federal dollars as seed money to stimulate a total of $1.5 trillion on “gleaming new infrastructure.”
State of the Union's Infrastructure
Remember America’s crumbling infrastructure that supposedly needs trillions of dollars for maintenance and rehabilitation? President Trump doesn’t.
New York Times Op-ed on Infrastructure
My op-ed in today’s New York Times has prompted numerous critical comments on theNYT website. Let me address some of them.
Encouraging Private Infrastructure Investment
The importance of infrastructure investment for U.S. economic growth is widely appreciated. But policy discussions often get sidetracked by a debate regarding the level of federal spending. To spur growth, it is more important to ensure that investment is as efficient as possible and that investment responsibilities are optimally allocated between the federal government, the states, and the private sector.
Infrastructure Is Not the Problem
The sudden collapse of a 58-year-old bridge across the Skagit River in Washington state has led to renewed calls to spend more money on American infrastructure. But if that spending comes out of tax dollars rather than user fees and is dedicated to replacing bridges, it will be seriously misplaced.