Chris Edwards

State Spending Soars

In 2020, many reporters and analysts portrayed state and local governments as facing doom‐​and‐​gloom with falling revenues and slashed services. I didn’t buy the grim narrative.

Amtrak Slower Than Buses on Many Routes

My daughters have gone to college in Pittsburgh and Poughkeepsie, NY. As they will be traveling back and forth to D.C., we have compared transportation options.

Reconciliation Bill Would Expand Housing Subsidies Prone to Fraud and Corruption

The Democratic reconciliation bill includes dozens of new and expanded tax credits for businesses and other special interests.

U.S. Tax Gap Relatively Small

The Democrats have moved their huge tax‐​and‐​spend reconciliation bill through the House, and it now heads to the Senate. The bill includes large tax increases on businesses, investment, and high‐​earning individuals.

IRS Tax Enforcement vs. Civil Liberties

The proposed $2.4 trillion reconciliation bill includes $80 billion for increased Internal Revenue Service (IRS) funding.

Democratic Tax Plan Would Corrupt Financial Statements

President Biden and congressional leaders are searching for ways to raise $2 trillion to fund proposed spending increases.

Should the Bankrupt Feds Subsidize Cash‐​Flush States?

The infrastructure and entitlement bills pending on Capitol Hill are bad for many reasons.

10 Downsides to the Democratic Spending Plan

President Biden has released a framework for his Build Back Better plan, which he hopes will gain the support of Democrats in the House and Senate.

Democrats Rush to Pass Radical Tax Schemes

In their haste to pass massive spending bills and clobber the rich, the Democrats are floating some radical tax schemes.

America in Debt Damage Zone

Federal government debt is rising rapidly.


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